Monday, January 12, 2009

With U.S. economy stuck, economists look abroad for growth

As U.S. consumers stop spending and investors keep their money to themselves, government and business leaders hoping to get the country's ailing economy moving again are playing one of their few remaining cards.

They're trying to sell more U.S. goods overseas despite the decline of both global demand and U.S. competitiveness.

Exports currently make up about 13 percent of the country's total economic activity, far less than the 70 percent taken up by production for domestic consumption. But that's where economic growth can still happen, analysts say, especially as the domestic housing and credit crises promise to freeze spending at home for at least another year.

Economists and business leaders suggest the incoming Obama administration implement export-friendly measures such as streamlining U.S. customs operations, negotiating more free trade agreements and developing industries such as alternative energy that can become the next generation of U.S. economic powerhouses.

"The role of exports is colossal," said John Murphy, vice president of international affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. "Over the past two years, exports were one of the few bright spots for the U.S. economy. We're going to need strength there in any recovery."

That's been the strategy of St. Charles, Ill.-based motor manufacturer Bison Gear & Engineering, which has seen its international sales jump by 50 percent over the past three years despite an overall decline of 10 percent since 2004 in the general motor market.

The company, like other exporters, benefited from the U.S. dollar falling by 22 percent between 2002 and 2008, which made many of its products cheaper overseas. The dollar's recent rebound, however, has erased some of that advantage.

"I see (exports) as an important component to our future," said the company's owner, Ron Bullock. "We're investing in that area and adding people to support it."

While the rest of the economy suffered, U.S. exporters had their best year ever in 2008, when they fueled an all-time high 12.8 percent of total U.S. economic activity, Murphy said.

The top U.S. exports were aircraft, entertainment products, machinery and transport equipment. Manufactured goods made up 60 percent of all U.S. exports.

Export growth was crucial to keeping the U.S. economy expanding, albeit at a meager pace, rather than falling into an early recession over 2006 and 2007, Murphy said.

Spurring more U.S. exports, however, will prove tough as global economies cool this year.

The National Association of Manufacturers expects new data to show "a dramatic slowdown" in export growth over the last three months of 2008 as a result of the economic crisis, said the association's chief economist David Huether.

With one in five manufacturing jobs dependent on exports, U.S. manufacturing had already sunk to its lowest level in nearly three decades, according to a recent study by the trade group the Institute for Supply Management.

U.S. companies have long been fighting a losing battle against some foreign competitors, who can pay workers less and avoid often costly U.S. regulations.

The Congressional Budget Office found that while U.S. manufactured exports rose by 58 percent between 1999 and 2007, manufactured imports grew by 78 percent and the U.S. trade deficit doubled

By Jack Chang McClatchy Newspapers